Join VA's Office of Connected Care and VFW at 12:00 p.m. on October 11, 2019 for a Facebook Live discussion - Delivering Care to Rural Veterans When and Where It's Needed. VA continues to use virtual tools and technology to bring care closer to home for Veterans. As part of this effort, Connected Care will partner with VFW on a Facebook Live Event to discuss My HealtheVet, Telehealth, and Mobile technologies and how they reduce geographical barriers to care. VA experts Dr. Leonie Heyworth, VA Director of Synchronous Telehealth and Dr. Thomas Klobucar, Executive Director Office of Rural Health will speak with Ryan Gallucci, VFW Director, National Veterans Service and answer audience questions, both during and after the event. VFW will host the event on their Facebook Page @VFWFans.
Participating is easy:
- Visit VFW's Facebook page on October 11, 2019 at 12 p.m. ET.
- For a reminder, visit the Facebook Event Page and select "Going" to receive an automatic event reminder.