It can be difficult to prioritize your health when life gets busy, as Marine Veteran Theo Deuel can attest.
While in the Marines, he enjoyed an active lifestyle, following a strict fitness routine, training for and completing Ironman triathlons, and more. After leaving the Marines, however, Deuel began to juggle working full-time with being a full-time student. He felt like he no longer had time to exercise, and he gained 55 pounds.
Recently, Deuel learned about VA’s MOVE! Program, which offers both in person and telehealth options. He decided that TeleMOVE!, the at home telehealth version of the program, could fit with his busy schedule. It allowed him to complete the program at his own pace. He was matched with a care coordinator and provided with at-home health monitoring technologies, such as a pedometer and scale.
Now halfway through the program, Deuel is seeing improvements in his overall health and well-being. “Leaving the Marines, I didn’t feel like I needed to stay in peak shape. This program helps to keep me accountable.”