Kenneth Turner is a Vietnam Veteran living in Big Spring, Texas, which is more than 60 miles from the nearest VA clinic in Odessa. After Turner lost his leg to diabetes, travel to his clinic became even harder. But, thanks to VA Home Telehealth, he has been getting his daily checkups from home for the past year - saving the travel time and the trouble.
"Number one, it saved me a lot of trips to the VA. And then two, if my sugar is high or low, when I contact Luis, he can tell me what I need to do."
Luis is Turner's assigned nurse care coordinator. Turner can contact him through a home telehealth monitor any time there's a problem.
"This morning my sugar was a little high. I'm going to get a call from Luis. Why is your sugar high? He wants to know. That's called care."
VA's home telehealth services are available for Veterans with chronic conditions. Contact your local VA facility to learn what's available in your area, as well as eligibility requirements.