The Southern Arizona VA Amputee Clinic is using the My VA Images app to provide more convenient and accessible care to Veterans who receive its services. The clinic’s amputee team has been using the app since it was first released in 2021.
My VA Images is a web app that enables Veterans to securely send photos or videos to their VA provider at the provider’s request. Recently, the team found that the app can also be used as an alternative or in addition to video telehealth visits.
A Veteran who lived more than 200 miles away was having connectivity issues during a scheduled video visit to assess his wound. The team knew he wouldn’t be able to attend an in-person appointment, and so they sent a My VA Images request instead. Through the app, the Veteran shared images of the wound, which the amputee team then shared with a local wound care specialist. The specialist provided recommendations, and the Veteran received a treatment plan that day.
“Without My VA Images, we would still be trying to figure out how to get a visual on the wound he had,” said Tim Cook, amputation rehabilitation coordinator at the clinic. “In this case, My VA Images was exactly what we needed.”