The first VA TeleEye service –TeleRetinal screening for diabetic retinopathy – launched in 2006. Since then, offering eye care through telehealth at VA has evolved and expanded over time. Today, VA has three eye care telehealth programs: the TeleEye Screening Program, the Technology-based Eye Care Services (TECS) Program, and the Tele-Low Vision Eye Care Program.
Through VA TeleEye, Veterans receive eye care remotely at their primary care doctor’s office. During the telehealth visit, technicians collect information using digital retinal cameras, tonometers for checking eye pressure, and other ocular testing devices.
The technician sends the clinical information to a remote eye care specialist. The specialist then analyzes and provides a written report of the results and recommendations for care. If an eye disease or other concern is detected, the eye care specialist may call the patient or initiate a video visit to discuss the findings in greater detail.
The Office of Connected Care recently published a two-part series on VAntage Point with more details about VA TeleEye programs. Read the blogs:
Part 1: VA TeleEye provides specialty care to Veterans nationwide